02/02/2017 - Have you ever walked out of a CS class with that “what-just-happened” feeling? Maybe you dozed off momentarily because you’re a typical sleep-deprived college student. Or you were so hungry (more accurately: “hangry”) during class that your brain temporarily lost the ability to process words. Or maybe you’re dancing that line between not-sick-enough-to-stay-home but not-well-enough-to-focus. Read more


09/03/2015 - This is my fifth (of eight) semesters at UT. Since adding my math degree during my first semester, I have taken 6 math classes and 2 math-y CS classes (311 and 331, if you’re wondering). This semester, I’m taking two more of each, bringing me up to a total of 8 and 4, respectively. (Proof that I am in fact a math major.) The science of mathematics is based on taking existing facts (theorems, lemmas, axioms, and so on) and figuring out how to make them into new and different facts, otherwise known as the proof—the bread and butter of mathematics. Read more

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