Career Fair

Congratulations survivors! We have weathered the storm and come out the other side reasonably whole!

When I walked into the Frank Erwin Center, I was definitely a bit overwhelmed. Over 200 companies were tabling, the thought of which made me a bit dizzy. And with both companies and students trying to woo the other, I couldn't help but think all this was a bit like some extravagant courting ritual. And I'm really bad at flirting.

The Language of Programming

Programming is a language! I realize I may be late to this party, but I've only recently had this epiphany of just how true the phrase "programming language" is and I see now how much coding is just like being proficient in any other language. 

Comparing is for Integer Values

You are not a number!

I don't know much about computer science, at least, certainly not as much as the people who tell me all about their actual, paying jobs they hold building websites for clients or the myriad of hackathons they've participated in (and good on them).

My Why UT

Hook 'Em!!!

There have been many brilliant responses to the question of "Why UT?" (notably Rohan Ramchand's, whose this was partly inspired by) and this is mine: the moment I set foot on UT campus, I felt something click. The atmosphere was an oddly brilliant mixture of welcoming and peaceful and lively, and I don't know why and I don't know how, but everything felt right. Also, people told me where to go when I was lost so that was a bonus.


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