09/11/2017 - With career fair rolling around, it's tempting to take whatever offer comes in your direction, especially if you feel unqualified. I know when I was a freshman, I was desperate for any attention that companies would give me, so I didn't stop to think about which companies I was interviewing for. However, it's important to remember that you will be working at the company of your choice for a long amount of time. You don't want to just chase the money when making your choice. Read more
10/20/2015 - Career fairs remind me of animal courtship displays. Companies and students put their best foot forward; one side tries to dazzle with tantalizing job opportunities and the other with shining intellect. Recruiters reel in potential employees while students fish for the right words to string together into intelligent conversations. The ultimate goal? Employment. Read more
11/19/2014 - Being a student in UTCS sometimes feels like being at a giant, never-ending career fair. There’s a different company in the atrium almost every day, and it’s hard to walk through the lab and not hear anybody talking about the next interview they have. While it’s great to have opportunities, I think that it’s also important to realize that this sort of environment isn’t normal, and it can have some strange effects on how we view ourselves. Read more
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