The Cowboy Rides Away (For now)

This semester I elected to take a writing flag course outside of the computer science department. Out of the numerous writing courses here at the university that intrigued me the most was a course by the name of "The Cowboy Mystique in American Culture." At the time it appeared to be a breather course with topics that differ from the hard sciences. Through the course of semester, I learned everything from the antics of Teddy Roosevelt to the stardom of John Wayne and more.


The weather last Saturday (the one before the Thanksgiving holiday) presented a perfect day to stay inside. With severe thunderstorms giving the Austin area the much needed rain it deserved, I took the liberty of enjoying my new found hobby: coffee roasting. So I roasted some beans, ground them up, and sat down to read the Wall Street Journal with a fresh cup in hand (It really does produce a smooth cup, you should try it if your interested).

ADJUNCTion Function

While the percentage of tenured track faculty is decreasing across university campuses nationwide, the number of adjunct professors is on the rise. For those of you who are not familiar with what an adjunct professor is, they are part time faculty members who are hired on a contractual basis as opposed to a tenured basis. While many people may see this as a problematic state in academia, the presence of adjunct professors can provide a unique perspective in and out of the classroom.

Don't be Trashy

Today is a beautiful day November day. Along with the grandeur of Election Day (I hope you voted!), the gloomy rainy weather outside makes it especially comforting to study inside the GDC. However, with your time in the GDC you may find some unpleasant surprises. I want you all to look at something...

Trash I found in GDC

It Makes Cents

When I'm not consuming computer science material, I'm a finance junkie. When doing homework and sports aren't on TV, I'm watching Bloomberg or CNBC. If Personal finance is on, I'm even more engaged. From Dave Ramsey to Suze Orman, I can't get enough of their common sense positive and humorous shows.

We are Texas!

Campus is beautiful this time of year. Take an evening stroll (which I am sure many of you do as students working on projects late into the night) and you'll notice not just the beauty of the campus architecture but the living history that exists on our great campus.

The Happiness of Pursuit

It was one of those weeks. I am sure you all have noticed, October is that month where everything starts to happen! Tests, papers, and the potential threat of Ebola all are coming at you at once. This past week in particular for me was pretty tough. Between an exam, papers, and work I was feeling pretty stretched out. When I was a freshman, the concept of time management was something that hounded at me consistently from all directions and I took it to heart. However, I'll admit as a senior and a busy body, its still a concept that's hard for me to grasp.


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