02/15/2011 - If your file starts with a minus, use the -- flag to rm; if your file is named -g, then your rm command would look like rm -- -g. As well, and especially if you have an unprintable character (output from ls looks like ?ile) you might try something like rm -i ./*ile which will also work for commands other than rm (grep for instance). Read more
02/15/2011 - To find out which machine Firefox is running on, type: ls -l ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/lock If there is a lock, it will be a symbolic link pointing to a file with the IP address of the computer where it is running followed by the process ID it is using. To translate IP-ADDRESS to a host name, type: host <IP-ADDRESS> The process id should also be present, so type: rsh <HOSTNAME> kill PID   For example:  ~>ls -l ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/lock Read more
02/15/2011 - To find a runaway process, use the ps command. On linux machines type ps -augx. The man pages (man ps) show all possible flags. To kill a process once you've found its process ID (PID), type "kill PID". If that doesn't work, you can use "kill -9 PID".  If you need to kill all your processes, you can use "killall -u 'login name'" Read more
02/03/2011 - This is typically caused by older programs that can't handle unicode properly. You will need to add export LANG=C to your .profile file (or whichever shell config file you use, such as .bashrc). Read more


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