04/06/2017 - Hello dear reader! With midterms week just around the corner and projects piling up, I think everyone is feeling pretty frenzied. And with that, I've been thinking a lot about what exactly it is that computer scientists do, and I think I may have figured it out. We fail. It's true! I don't know if anyone has ever written even a marginally complicated program without the compiler finding something wrong with it. CS is all about finding your errors, fixing them, and then getting twenty new errors for your trouble. Read more
11/22/2016 - As we rapidly approach finals week (*shudders in horror*), I've constantly been thinking about the amount of work I have to do and how much I have to study and all the extracurriculars I regularly have to commit to. In short, I, and I'm sure a lot of others, am drowning in stress. But more than that, I'm terrified at even the prospect of failure in the upcoming weeks, mostly because I've had to face the reality of it many times during this semester. So I've also been thinking a lot about how to adequately deal with failure. Read more
09/10/2015 - I am in the sad business of NOT being a tea-drinker or a coffee-drinker. So you can see my problem: As my already exorbitant workload forces me into becoming a nocturnal creature, I have nowhere to turn, to keep me up at night. Yes, it’s only been a few weeks since the semester has started, but my initial energetic, squirrel-like excitement has been reduced to the excitement of squirrel droppings. I’ve already had multiple urges to abandon all pretense of a healthy lifestyle and consume large quantities of chocolate cake while binge watching Netflix. It’s a sad state of mind.   Read more
11/17/2014 - A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about comparing yourself—and specifically, why you shouldn’t compare yourself to other people and instead look at how you’ve changed since yesterday. So what happens when you find yourself doing worse than you were doing yesterday? Read more
10/14/2014 - There’s a company that I’ve really, really wanted to work at for the past year now, and yesterday they called me and told me that they weren’t going to hire me for the summer. This is after they invited me to come tour their company last spring, which caused me to fall behind significantly in my schoolwork. This is after last year they kept telling me “maybe” they would hire me until it became summer and the interns they did hire had already started. This is after countless friends of computer science events, emails sent back and forth, and hours spent studying data structures. Read more
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